We all spend a lot of time on social media and, according to Statista, the most popular social networks worldwide this year have been Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. These platforms have become the new source of information among young people, and mobile phones have taken over televisions: now everyone's eyes stare at their phone screen.
This means that the internet has been adapted to cover everything you used to see on tv: the news channels have now their own Twitter profile to keep informed their followers, all the gossip can be found on Instagram and even advertisement has taken over social media.
Social ads are one of the most powerful resources to achieve our business results. Today, this advertising solution adapts to all types of companies, budgets and needs. Companies have an increasing presence in this channel, thanks to its good results and the fact that potential audiences are there. But, do we always know when a post on Instagram is an ad?
The ASA guidelines (Advertising Standards Authority) is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media. They apply the advertising codes, which are written by the committees of advertising practice. These guidelines state that ads should be recognisable as ads and advertisers must avoid misleading people.
Dulceida is a Spanish influencer who has 2,9M followers on Instagram and she earns around 4.930€ to 8.220€ per post. When advertising a product or service on her social media she adds the hashtag #adv to let everyone know she is getting paid for doing this promotion.
On the other hand, there are influencers who still don't use the hashtag or any other way to show their followers if they are getting paid for showing a product or not, and this has caused much controversy.
Do you think influencers should tell you when are they promoting a brand? Do you think if they like the brand, even if they are getting paid, they don't need to put the hashtag? I'll read you in the comments!