When we had the first notices of covid back on March nobody knew what to expect from this, but it has been one of the gravest pandemics we have experience as humans. Luckily, nobody from my friends or family have suffered this virus since this started, until now.
Last Thursday I went to spend the weekend at a friend's house in the mountain, we wanted to disconnect a few days from our problems. Our idea was to stay 4 days and then come back to reality. Everything was going well until we received a call: my friend's grandmother had caught Coronavirus. This ended up meaning that my friend also had the virus and, as he had been living with us, we had a high chance of also having it.
We came back from our one day trip and had to lock up in our rooms for 10 days because it's the time covid can incubate in your body. At that point, I asked myself: what am I going to do these 10 days all alone shut in my room?
The first 3 days were fine: I could find activities to do like play the guitar, paint and draw. The next couple of days I just watched Netflix all day long and worked on uni assignments. Now I am writing this from my 8th day locked in my room and I have no more ideas of how to pass the time.
It's only two days left, so I guess I'll be alright and I can assure you I won't stay home watching Netflix for the next three months as I have already seen all movies and shows that are in the platform.
Update: at last I didn't catch covid
