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  • Andrea Carbonell

Billie Eilish: From Nothing to Fame

Billie Eilish is a new indie and pop singer who is becoming more and more recognized by the music industry mostly because of her style, which is unique and different from other artists. What defines her music is the haunting vocals, like a closed gasp that she then dissolves into a noisy laugh. Her innovative and different way of singing has helped her debut album “When we all fall asleep, where do we go?”, which she has written with her brother and producer Finneas, to become popular easily. In fact, her song “Bad Guy” is number one in Spotify and Apple Music.

Billie has been in the music industry since 2015, but it wasn’t until 2016, when she uploaded the song “Ocean Eyes”, that she started to gain media attention. But how did she manage to become so popular and win 5 Grammy Awards at the age of 18? Billie is one of my favourite artists, how did I become her target audience?

I think one of the key points demographically is that we have the same age, so I can relate with her and her different struggles, which we can identify in her lyrics. I also consider that another point we can stand out is because of the geographic variable: Eilish is American, and America is one of the biggest music industries so all of the music produced there goes all around the world. Furthermore, Billie sings in English, the 3rd more spoken language in the world, so most everyone can understand what she is saying in her songs, including myself.

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